Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired.

William Ralph Inge


The Quote in Other Words

Wisdom is not gained through age, but rather through one’s ability.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote emphasizes that wisdom is not necessarily acquired through age alone, but rather through one’s capacity to learn and grow. It suggests that individuals who possess a greater capacity for learning and understanding are more likely to acquire wisdom, regardless of their age.

Capacity refers to an individual’s ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge. It is not limited by age, but rather by one’s willingness to learn and grow. This quote suggests that individuals who are open to new experiences and ideas, and who actively seek out knowledge, are more likely to acquire wisdom.

In essence, this quote challenges the notion that wisdom is solely a product of age and experience. It suggests that individuals who possess a greater capacity for learning and growth can acquire wisdom at any age, and that age should not be a limiting factor in one’s pursuit of knowledge and understanding.