Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age.

Nikki Giovanni


The Quote in Other Words

The statement suggests that the presence of hero worship is a clear indication of a society lacking in creativity.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age” suggests that when a society is unable to produce its own creative works, it tends to idolize and glorify the works of others. This can be seen as a form of escapism, where people seek refuge in the achievements of others rather than creating their own. It also implies that the focus on genius can be a distraction from the real issues that need to be addressed in society.

Furthermore, the quote highlights the danger of placing too much emphasis on individual genius. This can lead to a culture of hero worship, where individuals are put on a pedestal and their flaws and mistakes are overlooked. It can also create a sense of elitism, where only a select few are deemed worthy of recognition and praise.

In conclusion, the quote suggests that a truly creative society is one that values and encourages the contributions of all its members, rather than placing undue emphasis on the achievements of a select few. It reminds us that creativity is not the sole domain of geniuses, but rather a collective effort that requires the participation of all.