Dylan Thomas
The Quote in Other Words
If you persist in believing that your writing doesn’t require an audience, you may discover that this belief becomes a reality. Your work will remain solely for your own benefit, and the general public will have no inclination to intrude upon your personal musings.
Explanation of the Quote
This quote highlights the importance of writing for an audience, rather than solely for oneself. It suggests that if one believes their writing is not meant to be read by others, it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The lack of interest from the public in reading such private writing may discourage the writer from sharing their work, leading to a missed opportunity for connection and communication.
However, this quote also raises the question of whether all writing needs to be shared with an audience. Is it not valid to write solely for oneself, as a form of self-expression or therapy? Perhaps the key is to strike a balance between writing for oneself and writing for an audience, recognizing the value in both forms of expression.
Ultimately, this quote serves as a reminder that writing is a form of communication, and that the act of sharing one’s writing with others can be a powerful tool for connection and understanding.