As a kid who wasn’t into sports, at school I felt almost alienated at times, whereas in the theatre community there was this amazing sense of camaraderie. Early on, we would go to rehearsals with my dad and I was like the mascot for the backstage crew. That was a big part of my childhood, so I dreamed of one day doing a play in London.

Zach Braff


The Quote in Other Words

As a child who didn’t have an interest in sports, I often felt like an outsider at school. However, I found a strong sense of belonging within the theatre community. I would accompany my father to rehearsals and became a beloved member of the backstage crew. This experience was a significant part of my childhood, and it inspired me to dream of one day performing in a play in London.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of finding a community where one feels a sense of belonging. The speaker, as a child, did not feel included in the sports scene at school, but found a sense of camaraderie in the theatre community. This community provided a safe space where the speaker could be themselves and feel accepted.

The speaker’s experience also emphasizes the impact that early exposure to a particular community can have on one’s aspirations. The speaker’s childhood involvement in theatre led to a dream of performing in London. This highlights the importance of providing opportunities for children to explore their interests and passions, as it can shape their future goals and aspirations.

Overall, this quote highlights the importance of finding a community where one feels accepted and supported, as well as the impact that early exposure to a particular community can have on one’s aspirations.