If Galileo had said in verse that the world moved, the inquisition might have let him alone.

Thomas Hardy


The Quote in Other Words

Had Galileo expressed the idea of the Earth’s movement in poetic form, the inquisition may have refrained from persecuting him.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the power of language and the impact it can have on society. Galileo’s scientific discoveries were met with resistance and persecution by the Inquisition, but the quote suggests that if he had presented his findings in a more poetic or artistic manner, he may have been spared. This speaks to the idea that language can be used as a tool for persuasion and influence, and that the way in which information is presented can greatly affect how it is received.

Furthermore, the quote also touches on the idea of censorship and the suppression of ideas. The fact that Galileo’s scientific discoveries were met with such opposition suggests that there were forces at play that sought to control and limit knowledge. This is a reminder of the importance of free speech and the need to protect the right to express oneself without fear of persecution or censorship.

Overall, this quote serves as a powerful reminder of the role that language and communication play in shaping our understanding of the world, and the importance of protecting the freedom to express oneself.