I didn’t make my first solo record until 1981 so I don’t have any 60’s or 70’s recordings but I am working on a large boxed set called DUST to be released next year, the 20th anniversary of my first solo record.

Adrian Belew


The Quote in Other Words

I didn’t release my first solo album until 1981, which means I don’t have any recordings from the 60s or 70s. However, I’m currently working on a comprehensive boxed set called DUST, which will be released next year to commemorate the 20th anniversary of my debut solo album.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving one’s goals. The speaker did not let the fact that they did not have any recordings from the 60s or 70s stop them from pursuing their passion for music. Instead, they continued to work hard and eventually released their first solo record in 1981.

Furthermore, the speaker’s announcement of a large boxed set called DUST to be released next year shows that they are still committed to their craft even after 20 years since their first solo record. This dedication to their art is a testament to the fact that success is not just about talent, but also about hard work and persistence.

Overall, this quote serves as a reminder that success is not always immediate, but with perseverance and dedication, one can achieve their goals and continue to grow and evolve in their craft.