It seems a fantastic paradox, but it is nevertheless a most important truth, that no architecture can be truly noble which is not imperfect.

John Ruskin


The Quote in Other Words

Although it may seem like a contradictory statement, it is actually a significant fact that any architecture lacking imperfections cannot be considered truly magnificent.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the idea that perfection is not always necessary for something to be considered noble or great. In fact, imperfection can often add character and depth to a work of architecture. This paradoxical concept challenges the notion that flawlessness is the ultimate goal in design.

Imperfection can be seen as a reflection of the human condition, as we are all inherently flawed. It can also create a sense of authenticity and uniqueness, as no two imperfect structures are exactly alike. This quote encourages architects to embrace imperfection and use it to their advantage in creating truly noble and memorable designs.

Overall, this quote reminds us that perfection is not always the key to greatness. Imperfection can be just as valuable, and even necessary, in creating truly noble works of architecture.