Japanese architecture is traditionally based on wooden structures that need renovating on a regular basis.

Tadao Ando


The Quote in Other Words

The traditional Japanese architecture relies on wooden frameworks that require frequent renovation.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the unique approach to architecture in Japan, which is based on wooden structures that require regular maintenance and renovation. This tradition is rooted in the country’s history and culture, where wood has been a primary building material for centuries. The need for regular renovation reflects the Japanese philosophy of “wabi-sabi,” which values impermanence and the beauty of aging and decay. This approach to architecture also emphasizes the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness, as wooden structures are more eco-friendly than other building materials. However, this tradition also presents challenges in terms of cost and labor, as well as the need to balance preservation with modernization. Overall, Japanese architecture offers a unique perspective on the relationship between nature, culture, and design.