I think for business reasons, fiscal reasons, I think these cable networks can take greater risks and I think with a risk comes better programming. And I think USA has got an amazing identity to it now that is clearly defined with its ‘Characters welcome’ tag.

Tim DeKay


The Quote in Other Words

I believe that cable networks have the ability to take more risks for the sake of business and finance, and that taking risks can lead to better programming. The USA network has established a strong and unique identity with its ‘Characters welcome’ slogan.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of taking risks in business, particularly in the entertainment industry. Cable networks have the advantage of being able to take greater risks with their programming, which can lead to better content. The ‘Characters welcome’ tagline of USA Network is a testament to the success of this approach, as it has helped to define the network’s unique identity.

Taking risks in business can be daunting, but it can also lead to great rewards. By pushing boundaries and trying new things, cable networks can create programming that stands out from the crowd. This can help to attract viewers and build a loyal audience. The ‘Characters welcome’ tagline of USA Network is a great example of how taking risks can pay off, as it has helped to establish the network as a leader in original programming.

In conclusion, this quote emphasizes the importance of taking risks in business, particularly in the entertainment industry. Cable networks have the advantage of being able to take greater risks with their programming, which can lead to better content. The ‘Characters welcome’ tagline of USA Network is a great example of how taking risks can pay off, as it has helped to define the network’s unique identity and attract a loyal audience.