Women are smart in business and dumb in love. They won’t date outside their zip code, let alone outside the city. They are city snobs.

Patti Stanger


The Quote in Other Words

Women are intelligent when it comes to business matters, but when it comes to love, they tend to limit themselves to their immediate surroundings and are reluctant to venture beyond their zip code or city. This behavior can be attributed to their preference for urban living and their tendency to be snobbish about it.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Women are smart in business and dumb in love” is a common stereotype that suggests women are successful in their professional lives but struggle in their personal relationships. The second part of the quote, “They won’t date outside their zip code, let alone outside the city. They are city snobs,” implies that women are limited by their narrow-mindedness and unwillingness to explore new experiences.

However, this stereotype is not only unfair but also untrue. Women are just as capable of making smart decisions in their personal lives as they are in their professional lives. The idea that women are “dumb in love” is a harmful and outdated notion that undermines the intelligence and agency of women.

Furthermore, the suggestion that women are “city snobs” is also problematic. People have different preferences and priorities when it comes to where they live and who they date. It is unfair to generalize an entire gender based on the actions of a few individuals.

In conclusion, the quote “Women are smart in business and dumb in love” is a harmful stereotype that should be challenged and dismantled. Women are capable of making smart decisions in all aspects of their lives, and it is unfair to generalize them based on outdated and untrue notions.