Bill Sienkiewicz
The Quote in Other Words
For a period of time, I experienced a sense of isolation and detachment in the realm of comics, particularly in the United States.
Explanation of the Quote
This quote speaks to the isolation and loneliness that can come with pursuing a passion or career that is not widely understood or accepted by society. The world of comics, particularly in the United States, has historically been viewed as niche and even childish. As a result, those who choose to pursue a career in this field may feel isolated and unsupported.
However, this quote also highlights the importance of perseverance and dedication in the face of adversity. Despite feeling alone, the individual who spoke these words continued to pursue their passion and eventually found success. This serves as a reminder that even when it feels like no one else understands or supports us, we must continue to believe in ourselves and our abilities.
Overall, this quote speaks to the challenges and rewards of pursuing a non-traditional career path, and the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of adversity.