Victims always feel alone and helpless.

Deepak Chopra


The Quote in Other Words

Victims tend to experience a sense of isolation and powerlessness.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Victims always feel alone and helpless” speaks to the isolating and disempowering experience of being victimized. When someone is victimized, whether it be through physical violence, emotional abuse, or any other form of harm, they often feel as though they are completely alone in their suffering. This sense of isolation can be compounded by the fact that many victims are afraid to speak out or seek help, either because they fear retaliation or because they believe that no one will believe them.

In addition to feeling alone, victims often feel helpless in the face of their victimization. They may feel as though they have no control over their situation, and that there is nothing they can do to change it. This sense of powerlessness can be incredibly damaging, as it can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

It is important to remember that victims are not alone, and that there are resources available to help them. By speaking out and seeking support, victims can begin to regain a sense of control over their lives and start to heal from their trauma. It is also important for society as a whole to work towards creating a culture that does not tolerate victimization, and that supports and empowers those who have been harmed.