One of the most amazing things about mathematics is the people who do math aren’t usually interested in application, because mathematics itself is truly a beautiful art form. It’s structures and patterns, and that’s what we love, and that’s what we get off on.

Danica McKellar


The Quote in Other Words

One of the most fascinating aspects of mathematics is that those who practice it are typically not concerned with its practical applications, as mathematics is an inherently beautiful art form. We are drawn to its structures and patterns, and derive great pleasure from them.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the beauty of mathematics as an art form. Unlike other fields, mathematicians are not primarily interested in practical applications of their work. Instead, they are drawn to the intricate structures and patterns that underlie mathematical concepts. For these individuals, the pursuit of mathematical knowledge is a passion that provides a unique sense of fulfillment.

Mathematics is a discipline that is often associated with cold, hard logic. However, this quote reminds us that there is also a creative and artistic side to mathematics. The beauty of mathematical structures and patterns can be appreciated for their own sake, without any need for practical application. This perspective challenges us to view mathematics in a new light, as a field that is not just useful, but also deeply enriching and inspiring.

In conclusion, this quote celebrates the beauty of mathematics as an art form. It reminds us that the pursuit of mathematical knowledge is not just about solving practical problems, but also about appreciating the intricate structures and patterns that underlie the discipline. For those who love mathematics, the pursuit of knowledge is a passion that provides a unique sense of fulfillment and joy.