The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.

Frank Lloyd Wright


The Quote in Other Words

Architecture is the fundamental art form that defines a civilization’s essence. Without a unique architectural style, a civilization lacks its own identity.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of architecture in shaping our civilization. Architecture is not just about designing buildings, but it is also about creating a sense of identity and culture. It is the foundation upon which our society is built, and without it, we would be lost.

Architecture is not just a physical structure, but it is also a reflection of our values, beliefs, and aspirations. It is a way of expressing ourselves and our culture to the world. It is a language that speaks to us and tells us who we are.

In conclusion, architecture is the mother art that gives birth to our civilization. It is the backbone of our society, and without it, we would be lost. It is a reflection of our values, beliefs, and aspirations, and it is a language that speaks to us and tells us who we are.