Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.

Luis Bunuel


The Quote in Other Words

Age is insignificant unless you happen to be a cheese.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese” is a humorous take on the concept of aging. While age is often seen as a negative thing in our society, this quote suggests that it is only a concern for perishable items like cheese.

However, this quote can also be interpreted as a reminder to not let age hold us back. Just because we may be getting older, it doesn’t mean we can’t continue to grow and learn. We should embrace our age and use our experiences to our advantage.

Ultimately, this quote encourages us to not take ourselves too seriously and to find humor in the aging process. It reminds us that age is just a number and that we should focus on living our lives to the fullest, regardless of how old we are.