An artist must be a reactionary. He has to stand out against the tenor of the age and not go flopping along.

Andre Maurois


The Quote in Other Words

An artist must be a rebel who opposes the prevailing attitudes of their time and refuses to conform. They cannot simply follow the crowd.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of an artist’s role in society. It suggests that an artist must be a reactionary, meaning they must resist the current trends and norms of their time. This is because an artist’s job is to challenge the status quo and offer a new perspective on the world. By standing out against the tenor of the age, an artist can create something truly unique and meaningful.

Furthermore, the quote emphasizes the need for artists to be independent and not simply follow the crowd. It suggests that an artist must have the courage to go against the grain and not be swayed by popular opinion. This is because true art is often controversial and challenges people’s beliefs and assumptions. By not flopping along with the crowd, an artist can create something that truly stands out and makes a difference in the world.

Overall, this quote highlights the importance of an artist’s role in society and the need for them to be independent and reactionary. It suggests that true art comes from challenging the status quo and offering a new perspective on the world.