Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age.

Jonathan Swift


The Quote in Other Words

The driving force for the masses is their interest, while the pursuit of glory motivates the exceptional individuals. The young possess the skill of innovation, while the elderly possess the wisdom of discernment.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age” highlights the different motivations that drive individuals to achieve greatness. While interest may be enough to motivate the masses, it takes a great soul to strive for glory. This implies that those who seek glory are not content with just satisfying their interests, but are driven by a deeper desire to leave a lasting impact on the world.

Furthermore, the quote suggests that invention is a talent that is more commonly found in the youth, while judgment is a skill that is honed with age. This highlights the importance of both innovation and experience in achieving success. While young people may have fresh ideas and a willingness to take risks, it is the wisdom and discernment of older individuals that can help guide these ideas towards fruition.

Overall, this quote emphasizes the importance of having a strong motivation and a balance of both innovation and experience in achieving greatness. It encourages individuals to strive for more than just their own interests and to seek glory through their actions.