The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men more.

Colleen McCullough


The Quote in Other Words

At the age of forty, one can value the company of twenty-five-year-old men more.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the beauty of aging and the ability to appreciate youth from a different perspective. As we grow older, we gain wisdom and experience that allows us to see things in a new light. The quote suggests that at forty, one can appreciate the energy and vitality of a twenty-five-year-old man, without feeling threatened or intimidated by their youth.

Furthermore, this quote also touches on the idea of ageism and how it affects our perception of others. Society often values youth and beauty over experience and wisdom, leading to discrimination against older individuals. However, this quote challenges that notion by suggesting that age can bring a unique perspective and appreciation for youth.

In conclusion, this quote celebrates the beauty of aging and the ability to appreciate the qualities of youth from a different perspective. It encourages us to embrace our age and the wisdom that comes with it, while also valuing the energy and vitality of youth.