We prefer world law in the age of self-determination to world war in the age of mass extermination.

John F. Kennedy


The Quote in Other Words

We would rather have a global legal system during the era of self-rule than engage in a global conflict during the era of widespread annihilation.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the importance of world law in the current era of self-determination. It emphasizes the need for a global legal framework that can prevent conflicts and wars, which can lead to mass extermination. The quote suggests that the world needs to move away from the traditional approach of resolving conflicts through wars and embrace a more peaceful and collaborative approach.

The quote also implies that self-determination is a crucial aspect of modern society. People have the right to determine their own destiny and make decisions that affect their lives. However, this right should not come at the expense of others. The world law should ensure that the self-determination of one group does not infringe upon the rights of others.

In conclusion, the quote emphasizes the need for a global legal framework that can promote peace and prevent wars. It highlights the importance of self-determination while also emphasizing the need for a balance between individual rights and the greater good of society. Ultimately, the quote suggests that the world needs to embrace a more collaborative and peaceful approach to resolving conflicts.