What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.



The Quote in Other Words

The majority of individuals perceive what is commonly known as virtue, beyond the age of 40, as merely a depletion of vitality.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote suggests that what we often perceive as virtuous behavior in older individuals is actually just a result of their declining energy levels. As we age, our physical and mental capacities naturally diminish, and we may find ourselves less able to engage in certain activities or pursue certain goals. This can lead us to prioritize different values and behaviors, such as patience, wisdom, and self-reflection, which may be seen as virtuous by others.

However, this quote also raises questions about the nature of virtue itself. Is it simply a matter of exerting effort and willpower, or is it something more intrinsic to our character and values? Can we still be virtuous even if we are no longer able to perform certain actions or achieve certain goals? Ultimately, the answer may depend on our individual beliefs and perspectives, as well as the cultural and societal norms that shape our understanding of virtue.