Never tell a secret to a bride or a groom wait until they have been married longer.

E. W. Howe


The Quote in Other Words

It is advisable to refrain from sharing any confidential information with newlyweds and wait until they have been married for a considerable amount of time.


Explanation of the Quote

The quote “Never tell a secret to a bride or a groom wait until they have been married longer” highlights the importance of trust and patience in a relationship. Newlyweds are still getting to know each other and building a foundation of trust, so it’s best to avoid sharing sensitive information that could potentially damage that trust. It’s important to give the couple time to establish a strong bond before revealing any secrets.

This quote also suggests that secrets can have a negative impact on a relationship, especially if they are revealed too soon. It’s important to consider the consequences of sharing a secret and whether it’s worth potentially damaging the relationship. Waiting until the couple has been married longer allows for a deeper level of trust and understanding, which can make it easier to share sensitive information.

Overall, this quote emphasizes the importance of trust, patience, and communication in a relationship. It’s important to build a strong foundation before revealing any secrets, and to consider the potential consequences of sharing sensitive information. By waiting until the couple has been married longer, you can ensure that the relationship is strong enough to handle any challenges that may arise.