The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.

Pablo Picasso


The Quote in Other Words

The artist serves as a vessel for emotions that originate from various sources, such as the sky, the ground, a piece of paper, a fleeting figure, or even a spider’s web.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the role of an artist as a vessel for emotions that are derived from various sources. The artist is not limited to a specific medium or source of inspiration, but rather, they are open to receiving emotions from all around them. Whether it be from nature, a piece of paper, or a fleeting moment, the artist is able to capture and express these emotions through their work. This quote emphasizes the importance of being receptive to the world around us and using our experiences to create something meaningful. It also suggests that art is not just a product of the artist’s own emotions, but rather a reflection of the emotions that exist in the world. Overall, this quote highlights the power of art to connect us to our emotions and the world around us.