Because most people are not sufficiently employed in themselves, they run about loose, hungering for employment, and satisfy themselves in various supererogatory occupations. The easiest of these occupations, which have all to do with making things already made, is the making of people: it is called the art of friendship.

Laura Riding


The Quote in Other Words

Due to the fact that many individuals do not have enough personal fulfillment, they tend to seek out activities to occupy their time and often engage in unnecessary pursuits. One of the simplest of these activities involves creating relationships with others, which is commonly referred to as the skill of friendship and involves no original creation.


Explanation of the Quote

This quote highlights the human tendency to seek external validation and purpose, often at the expense of self-reflection and personal growth. Many individuals feel unfulfilled and restless, leading them to engage in superficial activities or relationships that provide temporary satisfaction but ultimately leave them unfulfilled. The art of friendship, while valuable and important, can also be used as a means of avoiding deeper introspection and self-improvement. Instead of relying solely on external sources for fulfillment, individuals should strive to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and purpose. By doing so, they can find true fulfillment and meaning in their lives, rather than simply satisfying their hunger for employment through superficial pursuits.